How to Raise Entrepreneurial Kids

How to Raise Entrepreneurial Kids

When our eight-year-old, Timmy, wants money for something special that we won’t buy for him, his common response is something like “I really need to start a business to make money.” He’s not saying he needs a job; he’s not suggesting we give him money; he’s explaining to us he wants to be an entrepreneur! He feels that way because he wants to make his own decisions and loves the idea of bringing his ideas to life. That mentality comes in large part from the way he is being raised and his life experiences to date. Timmy takes the lead from his parents and grandparents, all of whom are entrepreneurs - kids are the product of their environment. But even without those types of influences, there is still a lot that you can do to expose your kids to the entrepreneurial mindset.

7-Ways to Live a More Integrated Life

7-Ways to Live a More Integrated Life

Do you think you can have work-life balance because of success?
Or can you have success because of work-life balance?


Many have a clear boundary that separates work and personal life because they don't want the two to overlap. Perhaps work is too stressful and leaves them feeling anxious, tired and angry. Or it’s just such a complicated industry that it’s not worth discussing at the dinner table if they can even get there on time with no distractions. Too much pressure from customers, clients, patients or our leaders leave us feeling, perhaps, a little lost inside or worried. This is the age that we live in. We are always connected, and the expectations of always being available weigh on us, especially as an entrepreneur. After all, we have this insatiable need to be running our business  24/7 (or give an appearance that we are.)

Setting Boundaries When Work and Kids are Constantly Vying for your Attention

Setting Boundaries When Work and Kids are Constantly Vying for your Attention

Any working parent knows the complexities and intricacies of balancing work and family life. But for entrepreneur parents, there is a whole other layer of responsibility, anxiety, and frustration that comes from running their own business.

Many “parentpreneurs” say they have two babies: Their own kids and their company. Arguably, one wins the attention more than the other, and that’s where the frustration begins.  Both require constant nurturing, especially in the early years, and entrepreneurial parents must quickly learn how to efficiently manage both growing entities to survive (and thrive).

Time Management Tips For Entrepreneur Parents Who Need an Extra Hour

Time Management Tips For Entrepreneur Parents Who Need an Extra Hour

You have a business to run, a house to maintain and kids to manage. So what?

I have seen mothers of five start successful businesses and still maintain their sanity. There is no silver bullet as you can imagine it takes sacrifice and commitment, but it's possible.  If given an extra hour most people would fill it with busy-ness, not business. To which I wonder, what are they avoiding, justifying or neglecting?